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BGE DemonBall IFL Match 6 - Feb. 10, 1999

OK sports fans, here we are once again at the beautiful old United Center in Chi-Town bringing you the fifth un-official IFL match of the year. This DemonBall match is being brought to you by MicroTel, Tomorrow’s information Today!

Today’s match is between the same four teams in Chi-Town’s first amateur DemonBall league. MicroTel has not yet heard from the IFL sanctioning board yet, so this is still an un-official IFL game. But, what the heck, the fans still love the blood shed!

Once again we have Bobbie Sue’s Belles, the Vengequan team called Crying Wind, those Good ole boys from Tenn. the Red Dawn, and our sponsors team The MicroTel Marauders.

So it looks like our two teams are all set, and there’s the gun.

The boys come out first and fast, heading straight for the ball. They look like they've come to play today. Bobby Sue’s girls are out and looking for action as well.

Everybody is out with no shooting as yet, the Good ol Boys are throwing caution to the wind and heading right for the ball. The Belles look to intercept those boys but Jimmy has something to say about that and blasts Mary Jo right out of the game. Red opens up and takes Jessie out of the match as well.

Pvt. Biltmore fires at Stinking Forest buts misses. Now Sgt. Phemus fires on Stinking Forest but he misses too. And Pvt. Loomis fires on Liitle Bear who dives out of site just being missed by that shot! Pvt. Johnson tries his luck as well and also misses. It seems the MicroTel team just can't hit anything today.

Bobby Sue is shouting orders to her girls. And wait a minute, Cloudy Waters has the ball! What a surprise, but wait..Sgt. Phemus fires at Cloudy Waters who fires back from the hip. Sgt. Phemus goes down, and so does Cloudy Waters, the ball is loose! Pvt. Johnson takes his revenge out on Stinking Forest who scoops up the ball, but only for a second as he goes down in a hail of fire! Billy Bob dives from a corner to shoot Bobby Sue who takes Billy Bob with her as she goes down. Wow, what action here today folks.

Trooper Biltmore takes a quick shot at Liitle Bear but misses. Little Bear in turn fires and catches Trooper Johnson right through the forehead and out he goes! Pvt. Loomis blasts back but misses Little Bear. The remaining belle Cindy Sue fires at Jimmy M and hits the wall. Jimmy M isn't stunned at all and draws a bead on Trooper Loomis and nails him good! Pvt. Biltmore narrowly escapes the load of buckshot from Red's shotgun as he ducks behind the wall. Pvt. Biltmore grabs the loose ball but look out, Vernin unloads on Trooper Biltmore taking him out of the match and grabbibg the ball as well.

Cindy Sue fires a quick shot and nails Red in the chest. Little Bears fires from the hip and misses Vernin, whips out a tomohawk and jumps Vernin trying for his scalp. But Vernin beats him off with a pipe wrench of all things! Now Soaring Eagle makes the same attempt at Vernin and once again he beats the Vengequan back with his wrench! Jimmy M unloads his shotgun on Soaring Eagle who fires back as he goes down taking Jimmy M with him.

Vernin leads off with a shot, missing Cindy Sue. Cindy Sue fires back but misses as well. But she just isn't giving up, she is chasing Vernin around the arena, and gets another shot of nailing Vernin in the back of the head!

What a match that was, the boys really racking up the points. Six points in total, all on possessions to move them up in the standings! Crying Wind getting two points on possesions, one possesion for MicroTel, and Cindy Sue getting the Belles two points for being the sole survivor.

Bobbie Sue’s Belles:15 pts
Red Dawn:14 pts
MicroTel Marauders:11 pts
Crying Wind:8 pts

OK, that’s all for today, so signing off from the United Center in Chi-Town, I’m Rick O’Day, so long, see you all next week for the Championship Game!

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