Deathmatch 2100 is a new sport of broken America. Finding its roots in ancient Roman Gladiator fights
and the newer game of DemonBall, Deathmatch 2100 incorporates team competition
and the brutal conflict present between the current factions. Finding its origins mostly in
DemonBall, Deathmatch 2100 represents new opportunities for gambling and increasing a factions
Rules of the Game
There are few rules to Deathmatch 2100. The game is played in an arena, which is often
constructed like a maze. In some cases, a Demenoball arena may be used. Teams enter through
an opening and the matches are limited to 4 team's maximum. Other than these limitations,
anything goes, although limits on weapons and team size are strictly enforced to keep things
well balanced. The basic goal of a DeathMatch is to be declared the winning team by being the
last team alive!
A Deathmatch 2100 team is made up of any number of players (8 is the most common) within
the point allocation (of course, Shock Force troop rules do apply). The armament of the
team is limited to anything with an AV 4 or less. A Deathmatch 2100 match will consist
of 2-4 teams competing against each other. Teams are limited to spending 1000 points
utilizing all character types.
The arena can be designed in any form, although it should contain many places to hide.
A maze works well to allow teams to use tactics to out maneuver their opponents. Some
arenas have been built in existing abandoned warehouses. Obstacles in the arena can also
reduce or restrict movement as well as LOS.
Shock Force Rule Additions
Break/Morale tests will not be made in Deathmatch 2100 when half a team is killed, or when
the team leader goes down like in the standard game. Players in Deathmatch 2100 fight to
the bitter end; there is no room for cowards in this sport. Note that mental test for Horror
Attacks, Suppression attacks, and various others must still be made.
Initiative is handled the same as in ShockForce utilizing a dice roll.