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by Sean Hope - cue@verizonmail.com
After many years of following the cry from Dead Dog Glowing, Chief Lucky
Bastard grew tired of all the fighting. He took with him those who were
most loyal and started a little farming community in northwest New Jersey.
He had lost a lot of brave quan in the past wars against the Dead Techs and
had only seen them grow stronger, not weaker. He had lost his enthusiasm for
Even in peaceful Long Valley. Lucky Bastard would awaken from his nightmares
in a cold sweat of terror. His wife, a Shaman healer, spent years trying to
cure him of his Shell Shock. But Lucky Bastard never seemed to get better.
One day while he was out riding his 2 headed horse, Twin Peek. He collapsed
from a heart attack. During which he had a Dream Walk. He saw his tribe
being murdered by those hideous mechanical skeletons and then he saw a
flower in the middle of all the blood shed. The flower remained untouched
and almost undisturbed by the battle. The flower was unlike any other he had
seen. It was purple with a yellow stem. It had no thorns, and no way of
protecting itself. He made his way through the fighting and touched the
flower. The flower changed into a young man and then even the chief became
younger. The young man had no mouth. He seemed to be guiding the chief
through the battlefield. As they walked out of the middle of the battle, every
dead tech he touched seemed to whither and rust like a huge mechanical plant.
Once outside of the battle they walked up a small hill and looked down upon the
chaos and he saw his tribe, but he also saw an Army of soldiers, a group of Purple
Men, a force normal humans, a large group of Rats, and a Disfigured bunch of
misfits. All cheering up the hill at Chief Lucky Bastard, his heart began to
Then he heard the young man speak.
"It’s time for you to go home now."
As the Chief turned to look, the young man was gone, and then he turned around
again and he was on the hill but no battle had taken place here. Chief Lucky
Bastard whistled for his horse Twin Peek. He mounted his horse like a
young brave and rode back to his community. The Chief felt revitalized and
rode down to tell the other elders of his vision.
The Elders agreed that there was something in the wind. But not only was his
vision that of hope. It was also a vision of upcoming suffering and they had
to prepare. The entire tribe started a new training program and everyone
was on constant alert. A few months passed and a hunting party caught a
skinny young Org thug alone in the woods. He was imprisoned and no one knew
what to do with him. He was mute and wore metal gauntlets on his wrists. When
two braves tried to remove the gauntlets, they went running screaming in pain
and terror.
The first night the Org escaped from his cell, but he didn’t run away. He just
sat outside. Chief Lucky Bastard saw the Org sitting there and went to talk
to him. The Young Org saw the chief and removed his gauntlets. When the
Chief was close enough the young Org touched his hand. It was like sticking
a fork in an electric socket. The chief was frozen in place and then he saw
the skin of the Org Change to a white-pink color. Then the chief instantly
recognized the Org to be the Young man in his vision. But the man had a
The young man wrote in the dirt the word HOPE. The chief almost cheered, but
then realized, that a war couldn’t be too far behind and everything that he
had worked for was about to change. The chief also didn’t realize that he
had become younger with the touch of this stranger. As soon as the other elders
saw him they realized that the vision was coming true and it was now time to dance,
and to honor the old ways, to call upon the spirit of Dead Dog Glowing and prepare.